It's a BOY... Ian Nathanael!!!

The Journey
of a Treasured Promise...
~Journal Entry March 17, 2010~
My All in All ~ Faithful Father,
I am amazed and blessed beyond words...
It is confirmed and recorded this day
that after four years of waiting and prayer,
I will finally get to meet my precious "Ian Nathanael"
at the end of July 2010!!!
I give You all the praise and glory for my
"gracious, gift from God"...
My heart rejoices and awaits the arrival
of my baby boy!!!
Thank you Daddy, for all the dreams
and treasured promises You have given to me...
I look forward to the amazing things You
have in store for this son of mine...
May he grow to be a man
after Your own heart!!!
~Journal Entry July 12, 2005~
I had a dream last night
that I was going through labor
and gave birth to a baby boy...
Then my cousin Melena,
(which intrigued me and I thought ~
why was it specifically "her" in my dream?)
came into my room
and asked, "what is his name?"
I said, "Ian Nathanael"...
My Sweet Jesus,
I look forward to finding out
if this is to be my future!!!
I praise You, for You have given me
a special dream...
I have had four dreams,
all the same exact dream...
1. July 12, 2005
2. Oct. 21, 2005
3. Jan. 30, 2006
4. April 22, 2006
From the 1st to the last = 9 months
* 4 years ago,
I had 4 dreams
about my 4th child...
(which I didn't figure out until this year...
I didn't understand it then because I had all
4 dreams before I got pregnant with my
3rd daughter Nadia. which of course
I thought she was a boy...
Honest mistake ;-)
~Journal Entry January 30, 2006~
My Sweet Jesus,
I lift up my dream from last night to You.
It's been on my heart and mind all day...
Are You preparing my heart for this
little one, "Ian Nathanael?"
Ian meaning:
"God is Gracious"
Nathanael meaning:
"Gift from God"
May this child have a heart
that is humble ~especially
before You, Lord...
A spirit of peace and patience
and slow to anger...
The mind of Christ ~
full of much wisdom and knowledge.
Strong in health...
But most of all, loves You
and knows You at a young age...
Honors You and glorifies You
with all of his heart!!!
May Your Holy Spirit
continue to prepare my heart
for this special gift...
~Journal Entry April 22, 2006~
My Faithful Father,
I do believe and have faith in You
knowing that You have shown me
my son, Ian Nathanael...
Thank You for showing me in dreams
and through peace in my heart...
May he be a man who desires
Your closeness and seeks
You out with his whole heart ~
holding fast to Your word alone.
Wanting to honor You and praise You
with all of his breath...
May he be peaceful and humble ~
yet strong and wise...
I lift before You my pregnancy with him,
that it will be wonderful and enjoyable
with no complications of any kind...
And that Ian and I will be
supernaturally covered in great health...
Father, may my delivery be a
wonderful and beautiful experience...
Thank You!!!
I am so excited to be pregnant
with my son Ian ~
I give You all the Praise and glory!!!
Now faith is the substance
of things hoped for,
the evidence of things
not seen. ~Hebrews 11:1
Faith: is not just some kind
of mind power.
Faith: is connected to the reality
of God's word.
Faith: actually sees the promises of God
coming true before they happen.
Faith: is the "evidence of things
not seen."
Faith: is almost like entering another
dimension in time and space
where you see the thing
you are praying for happen
before it actually happens
in reality...
Faith: in God's word is a higher reality
than our physical reality...
And the invisible or spiritual world
creates the physical world...
~Journal Entry October 7, 2006~
(3 months pregnant ~
with my 3rd daughter Nadia Joy)
My gracious Father,
Thank You again for these dreams...
I truly believe they are from You.
Please help me to keep my faith
strong and firm
and not to be a wave
tossing about at sea...
Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything
by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving,
let your requests be made known
to God.
And the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.
The things which you learned
and received and heard
and saw in Me,
these do, and the God of peace
will be with you.
~Philippians 4: 6-7 & 9
~Journal Entry December 12, 2006~
(day of my ultrasound
revealing ~ my pregnancy
with Nadia Joy)
My Great I Am,
Father, I am left in total reliance
on You.
Only You are in control
and know everything...
I trust and believe the things
You have chosen to show me
about Ian Nathanael...
I believe one day
in Your perfect timing,
the full picture will be revealed...
I lay my heart down
at Your feet in peace ~
I trust You...
I rejoice in You
for the blessing and gift
of my Nadia Joy!!!
Those who trust in the Lord,
are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be moved,
but abides forever...
As the mountains
surround Jerusalem,
so the Lord surrounds
His people
from this time forth
and forever...
~Palm 125: 1-2
When Nadia was about two,
I started having the stirring
for another baby...
Now, it was a totally different
story for Jon...
According to him, we were done.
One day I was feeling really confused
and discouraged about having
another baby
reasoning every thing ~
telling myself all the reasons
not to go through with it...
That evening, after all the girls
were in bed,
I snuggled up on my sofa
and began spilling my heart out
to the Lord...
In that moment
He told me to go back and read
my journal ~
starting at the 1st dream He gave to me
about having a son...
As I read on,
It brought all those moments
back again and refreshed
the faith inside me...
Confirming to me He was going
to bring it to pass in His timing...
But there was still
one big hurdle...
My husband, Jon...
(who plays a very big part
in having another baby...)
I decided to place my faith and trust
in the Lord
and would have to trust Him
for my husbands peace about it...
(and honestly at times,
wasn't easy to do...)
One evening,
Jon was out with his cousins,
Todd and Melena...
Jon got talking with Melena
and she brought up,
if Jon and I were going to have
another baby...
(and again you know where he stands)
She shared her heart
and what I believe the Holy Spirit
was having her say to him...
Needless to say,
a week later after thought and prayer,
he CHANGED his mind!!!
He told me that Melena
got him thinking and that he had peace...
God is sooo good!!!
Now I understand why
He had Melena in my dreams...
(to use her to give Jon peace!!!)
~Journal Entry October 1, 2009~
(almost 2 months before I found out
my pregnancy with Ian...)
My Gracious Father,
I put my total trust in You ~
Your perfect timing for my pregnancy
with Ian Nathanael...
May I hold onto Your peace
and press forward with
faith and hope
in this joyous time ahead,
waiting for You to confirm
Your perfect will...
And Father,
when confirmation comes,
may I stand strong and not waver
in Your word and promises...
"For this child I prayed,
and the Lord had granted me
my petition
which I asked of Him..."
~1 Samuel 1: 27
~Journal Entry September 16, 2009~
My Wonderful Maker,
Thank You for continuing
to encourage me to sow in prayer...
Especially in this season
I am in...
Waiting for the Joyous confirmation
of precious Ian Nathanael...
I am so blessed as I look back
on Your faithfulness
at the time I was preparing myself
for the newness of motherhood...
My sweet Malea Faith...
I felt so strong about her name,
as I have come to find it being
very monumental in my life!!!
Faith had taken on a new
meaning for me...
I would describe it as a new tree
being planted and beginning
to take root...
I always new to have faith,
but to actually put faith in action,
was a big step for me...
And usually with firsts
and lack of experience,
you can be caught up in a daze
and feel like your dreaming...
(like the roots, when their fresh and new,
they haven't found their place yet,
and still need to grow and be watered,
to catch a hold and to sink deep...)
But yet,
Your faithfulness Lord,
carried me through and met me
right where I was in my faith...
Malea to this day,
is oh so full of faith...
Always planning things ahead
believing that they will
I began to really cling to
and hold fast to Hebrews 11:1
~Now faith is the substance
of things hoped for,
the evidence of things
not seen...
I noticed my faith begin to deepen
as I started to truly trust
in You Lord, and Your word ~
finding so many promises
that I could stand on and claim
for my family and I...
I will worship towards Your
holy temple,
and praise Your name.
For Your lovingkindness
and Your truth.
For You have magnified
Your word
above all Your name...
~Psalm 138:2
How awesome this is...
I know Your name "Jesus" is so great
and there is so much
power in Your name alone...
You say, You magnify "esteem"
Your word higher than Your name...
This has made me desire
to draw closer to Your word
and to place my faith and hope in it...
"So shall My word be
that goes forth from My mouth,
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish
what I please,
and it shall prosper in the thing
for which I sent it..."
~Isaiah 55:11
"What we do now impacts
the future..."
I have had such a strong need
to prepare and intercede
for the lives of my children ~
months in advance,
before I would get pregnant
with them...
With each one,
the neat thing was,
the Lord would stretch and grow
my faith in areas
I was trusting and believing
for Him to accomplish
and change in my life
and for my family...
With each child,
I tend to say that their names
have a very monumental
meaning in my life,
because the meaning
had always been a place
I was at, that the Lord
was teaching me to grow in...
You know the saying,
"You live up to your name"
It's been neat to see the truth
that it's had for my family...
Therefore, having been justified
by faith,
we have peace with God
through our Lord, Jesus Christ,
through whom also we have access
by faith into this grace
in which we stand,
and rejoice in hope of the glory
of God.
And not only that,
but we also glory in tribulations,
knowing that tribulation
produces perseverance,
and perseverance character,
and character hope.
Now hope does not disappoint,
because the love of God
has been poured out in our hearts
by the Holy Spirit
who was given to us...
~Romans 5:1-5
In my preparing and pregnancy
with Kala Hope,
I had an even greater
determination to press forward
and have hope in the Lord
that He would help me
change some past mistakes
and to trust Him in areas
that I was placing my faith in...
Two months before I got pregnant
with Kala, I was reading
Psalm 91,
when I got to verses 9-11,
I had written "Kala Hope 9/13/02"
Kala was born 11 months later
on 8/2/03.
Kala means:
"Refuge ~ guarded of God"
And Hope ~ is directly connected
to standing on the promises of God
and expectantly waiting for Him
to keep His word
and answer prayer...
Still to this day when I read
Psalm 91 and see her name dated,
I continue to thank and praise God
for His faithfulness
and for reminding me
that He is in complete control
and that He has every detail
of our lives planned out
before it even comes to pass ~
And that we can place
our faith and hope
in all of His wonderful promises
that He has given to us!!!
He will perfect and fulfill
all of His promises and purposes
in our lives...
He is like a master artist
who is painting a beautiful picture
of our lives...
He is committed to perfecting
and finishing it
and making it a masterpiece...
And my little Nadia Joy,
who fits her name so well...
Has been the topping on the cake!!!
Nadia meaning
"Hopeful and Blessed"
And which I always add...
"With great JOY"
Has been a perfect example
of my pregnancy and delivery
experience with her...
A true supernatural experience
which I will forever
be in AWE of God!!!
Don't let anyone ever tell you
there is no such thing
or say to you
that you can't have
a quick, natural, and pain-free delivery...
Because with God,
ALL things are possible!!!
I was truly hopeful and blessed
with great Joy!!!
I am so excited for this new season...
And for new experiences and moments
to treasure within my heart!!!
Something really neat
I came across was:
That the name Ian,
is actually a form of the name John...
and that the name Nathanael,
"Gift from God"
and it's the same meaning
for Jonathan too...
What an extra special blessing
for my husband Jon!!!
~Journal Entry March, 18, 2010~
My Amazing Father,
Today my pastors wife,
shared with me
that she awoke from her sleep
and that the You gave her
a word for me...
You told her,
that You had given me those dreams
4 years ago ~
not for that season
but for this season...
To teach me how
to ponder them (the dreams)
and your promises in my heart ~
Just as Anna in the bible did...
I give You all the praise
and glory Lord...
For I am in total awe of You...
I am so very blessed!
Please forgive me for the times
I've doubted and strayed...
Help me to remain strong in You
and to truly ponder and treasure
these promises from You
in the depths of my heart...
Father, help me to know
and be so in tune
with my children and sensitive
to the destiny of their lives.
I want to know You
even greater than before...
to be in Your presence
seeking Your perfect will...
May I live a life that:
~Puts You first
~Is devoted to You
~Honors You above all
~And has a heart completely
surrendered to You...
Thank You for the example
of Anna's life!!!
"Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you
the desires of your heart."
~Psalm 37:4
Thankful to have You
Lord of my life!!!

"For assuredly, I say to you,
Whoever says to this mountain,
'Be removed and be cast
into the sea'
and does not doubt
in his heart,
but believes that those things
he says will be done,
he will have whatever he says.
Therefore I say to you,
whatever things you ask
when you pray,
believe that you receive them,
and you will have them..."
~Mark 11:23-24
wow, that's one cool journey!! thanks for sharing, and for the good reminder that God speaks and is always faithful. blessings sarah!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful blog! I was looking through blogs and seen yours and you have such a beautiful family and the love you have for the Lord is wonderful! I have two girls and the hubby and I are going to start trying for baby number 3 and we are hoping God will give us a boy! CONGRATS ON THE BOY!!!!
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you! am your new follower.
~Olga Marquez
Ok, so I read your post "The Journey of a Treasured Promise" and I am an awe!! Wow what an amazing women you are! This truly touched me! It makes me want to be MORE of a Godly women. Words cant describe how I am feeling right now, but I am really happy I came across your blog, and im happy to follow yours and your family's journey that God has set for you all.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!!