Journal Entry - April 8, 2007 - 4:50 am
(Two weeks before my Nadia Joy was born)
My Healer and Mighty Redeemer, I am overwhelmed by your great love!!!
I dreamt that I was taking Nadia to her doctors appointment and was given the results of her blood tests and on it I saw for her hemoglobin the #16...
and I saw that her blood type was O+
(which in this case was standing for perfectly round and healthy blood cells)
I praise You and thank You, for this means that there are
no signs of the blood disease spherocytosis...
I receive this dream from You and will declare healthy whole blood cells
for Nadia in Jesus Name!!!
Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord.
Lift up your hands to Him for the lives of your children...
~Lam. 2:19
After Nadia was born, the nurse told me that Nadia's blood type was O+...
Then when I took her for her 1st Dr. check-up, he said he wasn't going to check
her hemoglobin because it was probably a 16 anyway by the looks of her...
I was so thankful to have these blessings confirmed...
But not until this passed week when we took the girls to CHOP for their yearly check-up
was it truly confirmed,
that on November 20, 2009
Nadia Joy is 100% free from Spherocytosis!!!
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...
~Heb. 11:1